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CSR: giving back to your community & environment

CSR or corporate social responsibility is a strategy often used by companies. Nowadays, this should be a fixed standard and this is no different for Meditech.

But first, a little explanation of what it is. CSR is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. It is divided into 3 different divisions: society, environment & workplace.


A company needs to give back to society. You already do this by creating job opportunities for the local community. But you need to go further and so does Meditech.

To further contribute to our local community, we work together with local technical schools to introduce young children to the world of technics. We organize visits to our production area and give workshops with our R&D team so they can actively see how pharmacy robots are designed and made.

Secondly, we sponsor different student organisations and help local & international projects.

The environment

The environment is the second division of the concept. Every day we need to consider our impact on the environment. Here, at Meditech, we motivate our employees to bicycle to work every day, avoid plastic water bottles, recycle… We try to have a low-impact production and invest in renewable energies.


Last but not least is the investment in our employees. As they are the heart of the company, we keep investing in them by allowing them to grow. We organize several team buildings or employee events and surprise them with holiday gifts or the occasional refreshment during summer.

CSR as a pharmacist?

We are convinced that you, as a healthcare provider, already give a lot to your community.

First of all, you help your community to stay healthy. You inform them about the use of certain medicines and educate them to prevent health issues. But you can also go further, why not help organise collection campaigns for people in need or motivate your team to volunteer at local projects.

Besides the community, you can also give the environment a little help, because let’s face it, this is good for everyone. For example: if the patient does not need a shopping bag, why not donate the cost of the bag, to plant trees?

Last but not least, corporate social responsibility also applies to your employees. So make sure that you motivate, educate and pamper them every day. Organize the occasional team-building activity or drink. Celebrate work anniversaries with your team and allow them to grow as a pharmacist.